Saturday, March 3, 2012

Blake's New Specs

Remember when I said we found "something else" out in Iowa City, but I was going to save it for another day? Well...this was it. We found out Blakers needed glasses.
We always kind of thought he had a lazy eye and when we were in Iowa City our nephrologist thought it looked worse than usual, so it was one of those, since you're here anyway, let's have him checked out things.
Long story short...he has astigmatism in both eyes. The good news is that we caught it really early, so hopefully it is correctable. I waited on this post until he actually got his glasses because you know how I like pics with my posts.
I feel bad it's just "another thing" Blake has to go through, but how freaking adorable is he?! Seriously, you could not look any cuter in glasses in my very bias opinion. :) Look at the specs and the mohawk...
After one afternoon with the glasses, he did pretty good. If he was distracted and playing he kept them on. If he wasn't, he pulled at them. They do have a band around the back to help keep them in place. Hopefully he gets used to them quickly and realizes that he sees better with them.
Look at that face. Love him to pieces.
P.S. Sorry I left you hanging Jodi!! I didn't mean to scare you. :) :)


Diane Nelsen said...

He does look so adorable! Bryon started wearing glassess at three and I have always loved those first pictures of him in them! He is getting so big...I'm sure they both are! Diane

Anonymous said...

He is so cute in them! Bryon started wearing glasses at 3 so I remember the big glasses little face...they are some my most favorite pictures of him! He's getting so big! Diane

Mandy Hunecke said...

so cute! Can't wait to see them in a few weeks!!

Jodi said...

Whew! What an adorable relief! He looks handsome as usual & I'm a big fan of the mohawk! :)