Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hickory Grove Park

We LOOOVVVEEEE Fall! Honestly, some of this weather we've been having is so awesome! I wish we could bottle it and save it until January. I know the winters get long, so I've been trying to get the kids outside to soak up the weather as much as we can. We headed over to Hickory Grove Park one beautiful afternoon. What a wonderful few hours, the only bad part was that daddy had parent-teacher conferences and couldn't go with us.
My pretty girl posing.
We walked on the trails...
Brody and Jenna posing on a rock, pretending to get a long ;)
In addition to a lake, they have a playground area. Jenna has been working really hard on getting across the monkey bars.
The twins were such troopers. I think they loved the fresh air! Blake on the left; Bowen on the right
I must have given about 45,792 underdogs to Brody! The kid just can't get enough of the swings.
Thank goodness Jenna can pump herself on the swings.

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