Friday, September 17, 2010

5 Question Friday

1. What is the first nightmare you remember?
Hmmm...I have no idea.
2. Even if you're not a sports fan, what's your favorite sport to play/watch?
My favorite sport to play would have to be (maybe it's because I'm older now) volleyball. I've played in leagues both in Sioux City and in Marshalltown and I LOVED it!
To a whole I'm a baseball girl. I just love baseball. I know people find it slow and boring, but I don't. When the Twins are on, life is good! Nothing better to do at our house then watch the Twinkies! Hawkeye football is a very close second.
3. If you could pull off one piece of trendy fashion, what would you want it to be (jeggings, hats, thigh high boots, etc.)?
Thigh high boots or skinny jeans would be fun! Unfortunately, I'm just not built for either one, but it would be cool if I could. :)
4. Did you make good grades in school?
Pretty good. I always made the honor roll and all that good stuff.
5. What magazines do you subscribe to?
Everyday with Rachael Ray and technically I don't subscribe to it, my grandma gets it for me for Christmas every year. I love it! The gift that keeps on giving. :)

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