Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The way I see it...

Don't Litter!
Last Saturday was a beautiful day! My kids and I went for a walk and my daughter wanted to stop at the “library park” as she calls it, to play. We just had to continue enjoying the beautiful day, so we stopped.

When I walked up I couldn’t believe what I saw. Trash - everywhere! Pop cans and candy wrappers littered the playground area. It looked terrible, it really did. I engaged the help of my children and together we picked up almost a 12-pack worth of pop cans and candy and chip wrappers.

One of my pet peeves is littering. I can’t handle it. My parents hammered it into my head as a child to not litter and to this day I completely freak out when people litter!
My dad was the softball coach at our school and from the time I was old enough to walk my brother and I would tag along and help him do whatever needed to be done at the field - including picking up trash.
Do you know what it’s like to pick up other people’s trash? It makes you not want to leave your trash just laying around - EVER!

As you know, I spend a lot of my summer at baseball games. When I see people leave a game and leave their pop bottles or nacho containers just laying there, it annoys me and I feel the need to pick it up because it just makes everything look so, I don’t know, crappy. What the heck is so hard about walking ten feet to a garbage can to throw your trash away? A lot of times you walk right by the garbage can on the way out of the field anyway.

Needless to say, I used Saturday’s moment as a teaching moment. I lectured my daughter (she got the wrath of an upset me) about not littering and how you should always throw your stuff away.

All I’m saying is, throw your litter in a trash can. It takes ten extra seconds and just makes everything look so much nicer, but that’s just the way I see it.