Sunday, March 29, 2009

Weekend of ups and downs

It seemed to be up and down at our house all weekend. Things started off not so great on Friday when I got the call that my Grandma Beadle had been rushed to the hospital. My mom went up to Swea City and they took her to Blue Earth, where they said she had pneumonia and had a lot of fluid, especially on her two lungs, which was causing her breathing problems. They transported her to Mankato and did a tap on her lungs and it looks like she's on the mend; slowly but surely.

Saturday it was Brody's birthday. Obviously with him only being one and just having the big birthday last weekend we didn't make a huge deal out of it, but we sang to him and went to the gym and let the kids run for awhile. We also made his favorite...pasta for supper! At the gym, I got this crazy idea that I should see if I could rollerskate (the school owns skates). Well, I did it. However, it just confirmed the fact that although I am coordinated in many ways, anything dealing with my feet (rollerskating, ice skating, water skiing, and snow skiing) I really suck at! :)

Sunday was a day of catching up on the laundry and packing. We are headed out again to the Cherokee/Sioux City area Monday afternoon for my dad's surgery. He has it at 10 AM on Tuesday, so we'll be there until Thursday. The good thing is that Aaron took some time off of school and is coming with me.


Mandy Hunecke said...

Take good care of your dad. I hope everything goes smoothly. Good luck with the traveling.

Brooke Stevens said...

Hope all goes well with your dads surgery. Have a safe trip there!

Aaron Burdorf said...

Thanks girls! :)

Kimberly said...

Sorry to hear about your gma...I hope she gets to doing better, which it sounds like she is. Good luck to your dad with his surgery too!!

Mandy Hunecke said...

forgot to tell you love the new header! good job!