Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Parent-Teacher Conferences

We had parent-teacher conferences last week for Jenna. Unfortunately, because of the darn weather, we had to reschedule so Aaron wasn't able to go with me.

So, I had a nice chat with Jenna's teacher, Mrs. Randall. She went through Jenna's progress report and she was "good" in everything except using scissors and waiting her turn to be called on. Mrs. Randall was quick to point out that she marks all of the three year olds the same way on those two things - needs work. That made me feel better!

Next year there is four-year old preschool and you can either choose to send your child three mornings a week or four afternoons a week. Who would have thought it would be such a tough decision? Different times, different schedules, different costs, different classmates...UGH!

After talking to Jenna's teacher, she was very confident because Jenna loves school and is where she needs to be or above, that she would do great in the afternoons in the four day a week program. So, it looks like that's where she'll be next year. I can hardly believe she is over halfway done with her first year of school!


Mandy Hunecke said...

oh Jenna Jo. so grown up already!

Brooke Stevens said...

I know I can't believe this year is half over....I am not sure where the month of January went! Next month he has his kindergarten round-up! Time flies!