Monday, March 22, 2010

The way I see it...

Birthday Party Stress
Stressful week at the Burdorf house! Two kids, born two years and two weeks apart equals two birthdays in one day. Whew!

I, being the stress-filled person that I am, started cleaning this past weekend and will probably be cleaning and picking up my house until the first person pulls into my driveway on Friday afternoon. When you have little ones does it ever seem like you get anything accomplished? You pick something up and it feels like they’re somewhere else pulling something else out.

I, being the self-induced stress-filled person that I am, have started making lists. Lots of lists. I like lists! One for gifts I need to buy yet for my son (whose birthday is actually Sunday), one for party supplies, one for the birthday meal, one for all of the other meals I’m going to make... Yes, I know. I can be slightly crazy when it comes to the birthday party weekend! You’re not thinking anything I don’t already know.

It’s a lot of things for me. First, their birthdays only come once a year. I want them to be great! Second, it’s the only time the whole entire year that everybody (my family and my husband’s) all come to our house at the same time. And, while it does (you guessed it!) stress me out, I love the chaos! It’s family. That’s what families (well, at least mine) do. We are loud and we like to have a good time and it’s a great sort of chaos.

I know that when the first batch of family arrives on Friday it will be smooth sailing. They don’t care if my house isn’t spotless. They don’t judge me, they’re family and they’re stuck with me whether they like it or not!

I will do my typical stressing until the end of the week, my family will come, and we will enjoy each other’s company, celebrate the kids’ birthdays and I’m guessing if past get-togethers are any indication, there will be lots of laughter and fun, but that’s just the way i see it.


Mandy Hunecke said...

uh oh, does this mean I shouldn't wear my white gloves? LOL! can't wait to see you all!!!

Brooke Stevens said...

I do lots of lists for everything too!(graduation..ahhhh lots of lists!!!!) Drive me nuts not having them! Hope the kids have a great birthday weekend!!