Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The way I see it...

Signs of Spring
There are definitely signs that Spring is right around the corner. YAY!!! You know I’m a big fan of snow, but that was one long winter. It must have been one heck of a winter because when the snow melted enough for me to see the grass, I was bursting with happiness! Grass! There really was still grass underneath all of that snow.

Were you a little uncertain at the beginning of last week? Mother Nature was just kind of messing with us. The temperature was spring-like, but it was foggy and the sun went into hiding for way too long.

Yesterday (Sunday) the weather was warm enough for people to get outside and start cleaning up their yard from all of the branches that had fallen throughout the winter. I saw people on walks and runs without coats on. My daughter and I planted some tomato and pepper seeds (inside) to see just how green our thumbs are. Kids were outside riding bikes.

Did you feel everyone’s mood just instantly lift on Sunday when the sun was out? I know mine did. I know March can be one of the snowiest months of the year, but can I just live in my own little fantasy world that we’re done with snow until next winter? The power of positive thinking: the sun is going to continue to shine, the temperature will be in the 60s and the tulips will start to pop up from the ground and we are done with the white stuff for another season (HOPEFULLY), but that’s just the way I see it.


Brooke Stevens said...

Oh how I love Spring too! Today is supose to be sunny and 56..we will see if that happens! Bummer for the weekend though...Here they are predicting rain and snow on Sunday! Oh Joy!!(maybe it will miss us) We still have plenty of snow that needs to melt but hopefully it will be gone soon! We were going to daycare this morning and Camden was walking to the truck and said "holy cow mom I can see the grass! I like spring and nice weather!" I think the kids are just as sick of winter as the adults are!

Aaron Burdorf said...

I think you're right! Jenna asks if it's spring just about everyday. We were in Cherokee two weeks ago and I couldn't believe how much snow you guys still had. Ours is all gone, except in the places where it's piled up at corners and stuff.

Aaron Burdorf said...
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