Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blake's MRI

I had posted on Facebook a couple of week's ago that Blake had to have an MRI on his heart.  On one of his yearly ECHO's they saw some bright spots that they weren't sure about and wanted to "cover all their bases," by doing an MRI. 

On November 6th, Blake had his MRI.  He had to have anesthesia because there was no way he would sit still for that amount of time.  Getting him to sleep was harder than I thought it would be.  I told Aaron my "mom moxie" that I had built up from all those crappy months in the hospital had faded away.

They started by giving him something through his G-tube that would make him sleepy.  The next thing I knew they moved the chair over that we were sitting in and told me to put him in a bear hug and they held the mask on his face until he was completely out.  Despite the fact that he was sleepy, he fought them and I just hated it.  I left the room with tears in my eyes, because who wants to go through that as the mom for their child?  Poor Blake.

The test went fine and when I saw him in recovery he was not a happy camper.  They had put two iv's in his hand and he didn't like that so much.  Anyway, after about two hours in recovery we were able to head home.

After a very long wait, we got results via My Chart and read through them.  Nobody ever called us, but it looked like, reading between the lines with all the doctor speak, that his heart function is just fine and they will continue to monitor him on a yearly basis. 

That was great news!!  Blake acted fine, but there's always that part of you that is nervous because it's his heart.  Exhale of relief!

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