I haven't done 10 on 10 for awhile (10 pictures from your day taken on the 10th of the month). Since it was a Saturday, I decided to do it. Here is our 10 on 10 for May...
SNUGGLING... with Bowen first thing in the morning. Everybody else slept in. I love moments like this with just one-on-one time with my kiddos.

WATCHING..."Downton Abbey" while cleaning my kitchen. 1. I'm obsessed with this British drama, it's so addicting. 2. It makes cleaning up my kitchen not as horrible.

MELTING...over this paper that Brody filled out at me about school. I said, "Brody, you think I'm 22?" He said, "Yeah mom, I really had to guess on that one!" Love that kindergartener!
REPLACING... our roses bushes. After six years, our rose bushes were dead. No green whatsoever. People, we live in the Rose Capitol of Iowa and we need rose bushes that actually produce beautiful roses! Our neighbor, Jon, let Aaron borrow his tractor to get them out.
PLANTING...the gorgeous new flowers that Aaron and the kids picked out for me for Mother's Day. Love them. Plus, I got a new bird feeder. We love watching the birds on our bird feeder and already had two gold finches on them this morning.
OBSESSING...over strawberries at our house right now. I can't buy enough of them. The kids inhale them, which is a good thing. JUMPING...on the trampoline because it was such a nice day!
READING...I'm trying to do more of it because I enjoy it so much! This is my third book in a pretty short amount of time. I feel like I'm the last one to the party, but I'm hopping on the bandwagon and reading, "Divergent." I'm about 100 pages in and so far I like it.
CELEBRATING...our family contact for Dance Marathon, Alexandra's, graduation from Iowa State! She was nice enough to invite us over for her party. It was really nice to meet her family and friends. The good news is that she has a year of grad school, so we get her again next year!
It was a good day. Sunday, Mother's Day, has been a really good day too. I feel like the luckiest person out there that God chose to bless me with these four incredible kids! I always share this quote on Mother's Day, because there is so much truth in it...
"There is no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."
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