Last weekend Aaron had a reffing clinic to go to Saturday and Sunday, so it was just the kiddos and me hanging out. I knew that we all couldn't hang out around the house the entire weekend or we'd go crazy, so I tried to think of some fun stuff I knew they'd enjoy, like...

Grimes Farm. This was the first time I loaded up the bikes since Jenna and Brody are without training wheels now. It was HOT, but I'm pretty sure we ended up going up three miles. I just walked with the twins.
We needed some water and a snack. :)
They actually have a conservation center that we never seem to catch when it's open, but we did Saturday. The kids were so excited!
They had a ton of "stuffed" animals. Is that what you call animals that have been to the taxidermist?! I'm not sure, but anyway, you know what I mean.
I pointed out the bison to Bowen and it scared him to death. It was kind of funny how much he jumped when he saw the bison! Jenna decided we should name the bison, "Frankenstein."
They had these mystery boxes on the table. The kids were a little freaked out to stick their hands inside.
Brody was so excited about this moose! When we headed to Iowa City last week we had a very in-depth conversation about if there are moose in Iowa, and where do they live, and why aren't they in Iowa... He's very curious about moose!
The kids love having the sprinkler on the trampoline! Fun for hours!
Bowen's face...I just don't know...:)
Blake (below) was a little apprehensive at first, but then he loved it.
Jenna is super shy in front of the camera, in case you can't tell. ;)
And then bubbles!
Blake, bless his heart, tried really hard, but didn't get too many bubbles.
Bowen finally got the hang of it.
I also cleaned out my bedroom closet. Seven bags of crap - gone! Woo-hoo! For five seconds I feel organized - Ha! We also watched a couple of movies, one of them being "Parental Guidance." Have you seen it? It has Bette Midler and Billy Crystal in it. The kids liked it and so did we!This weekend looks like it will be another busy weekend! I hope the weather cooperates so we can just sit outside all weekend!