Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wishful thinking...
I've started the second trimester and no luck. I went six (six!!) days in a row without my head in the toilet and thought I was making progress, but the five days following I am back to the same old routine. Me. Sprinting to the bathroom. Emptying my stomach. And then all better. Wishful thinking I guess that I was on the up and up.
I'm by no means complaining, this is all for a good cause! It's just so darn annoying because I can't tap in to what sets me off. For example on Thursday, I had tomato soup for lunch and it was delicious! Friday for lunch, I decide to have the leftovers and two minutes after finishing I barely make it to the bathroom in time. What the heck?!
Oh well, I'm sure it will get better. I'm planning on talking to my doctor at my next appointment (November 18th) if things haven't gotten any better. Think happy thoughts for me!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Maddox is 1!
Saturday was the big day! Grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and cousins were all on-hand to help celebrate. Justin and Mandy did a great job getting everything ready for the party. We had a great meal, enjoyed each other's company, got the kids dressed up in their costumes and let them trick or treat. For more pictures of the costumes, head over to the Hunecke Blog.
Some pictures from the day:
Grandma Jo and Maddox
Justin and his birthday boy
Mandy MADE :) us all take family pictures. It was a great idea, especially since we were all sporting black and gold! She has more pictures on her blog you can check out.
The three of us with dad... (Do you see that belly on the far right?! Yikes, already!)
And mom...
Thanks Justin and Mandy for a great weekend! :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
MSU Hockey Game
This is the first thing I noticed when we walked in. Cheerleaders. At a hockey game. What the?!
Me and my hockey-lovin' husband. :)
Lisa with Jenna and Brody. The kids LOVE her! Or, maybe it was the kettle corn she shared with them... :)
In another story, the people we were sitting by were really nice season ticket holders. The guy notices Brody's Hawkeye shirt, tell us he won a $100 bet that day because the Hawks lost, said he wanted to "share the wealth" and handed Brody a $1.
The way I see it...
Friday, October 22, 2010
Five Question Friday
I would definitely say me. The one exception is burgers. Aaron can throw a bunch of crap in a burger and make it taste amazing.
2. How often do you talk to your mom?
Sadly, not as much as I used to. Probably only once or twice a week now. I just feel busier now than I did a few years ago.
3. Are you adventurous in the kitchen or stick to the recipe?
The first time I make something I stick to the recipe. That way I know how it's really supposed to taste. I'm not really a dare devil, but I will add my own little twists once in a while.
4. Is your second toe longer than your big toe?
Yes! Ew! I hate my feet and feet in general. Enough said.
5. Do you dress up for Halloween? (Bonus question: What will you be this year?)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
And then there will be three...
I will say this has been the hardest pregnancy I have had. I had a little nauseousness with Jenna and Brody and threw up probably twice with both of them combined. Not so lucky this time as I spend a lot of time with my head in the toilet. The kids see me run in to the bathroom and say, "You going to puke mommy?"
Anyway, we're all very excited and we'll keep you posted as things progress a long the next six months.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Story Time

Two weeks ago we learned about Fire Prevention Week and this week we learned about leaves.
We read a book and do a craft and the kids really look forward to it. The picture is from the librarian. I work with her at the paper frequently and she was a little camera crazy that day. :)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Pumpkin Patch 2010!
The morning went well, but I have to say that it was too hot. I know I shouldn't complain, but it really was hot and the kids had red faces and I was sweating. Ugh. I was hoping for cooler weather.
I love this expression on Jenna's face!
Brody in heaven on his Little Green Tractor. :)
Grandma and Grandpa with their grandbabies.
They had a barn full of corn. The kids had a blast in there.
Work Changes
The way I see it...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Friday 5's
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Future scientist?
Her and I were on a walk and it was dark and I noticed this thing, it looked like a nut or something. I asked Jenna what it was and she replied, "I think it looks like a chrysalis." WHAT?! Who says that?
Secondly, when we were driving around Armstrong for Aubrey's baptism we were talking about the leaves changing and Jenna goes, "The leaves are turning brown because they're losing their chlorophyll."
The things kids learn these days is amazing. They really are little sponges!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The way I see it...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Adorable and Ornery
Greg snapped this picture at the football game on Friday and I fell in love it. Sometimes I look at Brody and wonder how somebody so darn cute can be so darn ornery?!?!
Harvest Time
Aaron is once again this year helping our friend Jay with harvest. For being a town kid, Aaron LOVES being in the tractor! I think it's because it's so different than what he normally does and he doesn't have to deal with anybody like he does at school.
The kids have been dying for a tractor ride so I took them out there on Sunday morning. We rode for about an hour and a half and they probably could have rode longer, they loved it. Aaron even let both of them push some buttons once in a while, so they thought that was great.
It was also interesting that we got to see a coyote out in the field. Just a little one, but neat nonetheless since it's not something we would normally see.
Friday, October 1, 2010
5 Question Friday
2. If you could do a different job for one day, what would it be?
Holy cow! I don't know...a graphic designer would be cool, a radio DJ would be fun, a coffee shop owner would be neat to smell the amazing smell of coffee and get to chat with the same people everyday, a stay-at-home mom would be nice so I could kiss on my kiddos anytime I wanted. :)....
3. Do you remember your biggest fear from when you were little?
Not my absolute biggest, but when I was little I was always completely freaked out to sit on the end of the dock on a lake. I always swore I was floating out into the middle and would constantly turn around to make sure I wasn't.
4. What do you think is a waste of time?
Cleaning the house when you have two small children!!
5. What is the oldest item you have in your closet?
I have t-shirts from state basketball and softball from when I was in high school just hanging out, taking up space.