Mother's Day
Psssst...don’t forget what Sunday is. It’s Mother’s Day! The day where we recognize our mothers/moms/mamas for all they have done for us and remind them just how much we love them.
I don’t think I ever fully appreciated everything my mom did for me until I became a mom myself. Pre-children you are obviously still grateful for everything your mom has done for you, but when you actually have to do everything for your children that your mom did for you, there’s definitely a newfound appreciation. The list of jobs you do as a mom is endless...playing, cooking, cleaning, driving, setting up appointments, etc., etc. etc.
I never realized how much I would love being a mom. Sure, it’s hard sometimes. Frustrating. Makes you want to pull your hair out. But, that is completely overshadowed by things like hugs, kisses, smiles, giggles, cuddles, first words, first steps and well, you get the point.
It’s like you never knew your heart could be so full of love (I know that sounds sort of cheesey, but you moms out there know what I’m talking about). I remember when I was pregnant with my second baby and I was so worried I couldn’t possibly feel the same way about my second as I did was my first born. That was complete and utter crazy talk! Those feelings went away the second I laid eyes on my blond-haired, blue-eyed baby boy.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms out there! Kick-back and enjoy your special day. I have this quote (yes, I know I always share quotes with you, but forgive me because I really like them) that I will end this column with. It goes like this, “The most important thing she’d learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one,” but that’s just the way I see it.