Justin and Mandy and Jess and Mitch came down Friday night to stay with us. The athletic boosters do a night golf fundraiser every year, so because Mandy and Justin also wanted some belly pics taken, we all decided it would be a good weekend to get together.
18 holes of golf was on our agenda for Saturday afternoon starting at 5 PM. Mandy didn't want to play all 18, so our friend Jay played with Justin the first 9. This was my first time out in a year and I was RUSTY. Luckily, Aaron didn't get to worked up about it!
After supper and when it got dark we got our glow balls and necklaces and headed out for 9 more holes. It was so fun! Let me just say Mandy impressed the crap out of me! She was crushing the ball, but Justin swears it's because she's actually two people and not one. :) And, apparently I should play in the dark, because I played way better.
When all was said and done, Jess and Mitch ended up winning the whole thing and Justin and Mandy got first in the second flight. Aaron and I got...well, nothing. Oh well, we had a great time and I think Jay had an eye-opening experience on his first Hunecke family outing. We can't wait for next year!!

Mama Mandy

Get in the hole!

The group...minus photographer Mandy!

Mitchell trying to hit the green.

Nice swing Jay!
The girls