After we were unable to go to Sioux City for Christmas with Aaron's family on Wednesday, we decided to try to make it to Cherokee for Christmas with my dad on Saturday. The roads were good until we hit highway 3, then they were pretty sucky. So, we had to putz along at 35-40 mph and our normal 2 hour 45 min trip turned into four hours, which was to be expected since they had about 20 inches of snow up there!
That being said, we were so glad we got to make the trip. We had SO MUCH FUN!! After we opened gifts and had a good meal, my brother, Mandy and I were subjected to an embarassing trip down memory lane. My dad found old tapes from 3rd and 4th grade music contests and it was quite the treat. Oddly enough we all sang a solo, so we had to watch those and the outfits and hairstyles were hilarious.
We rounded out the evening playing hearts, which is a Hunecke favorite. It was sometime after midnight when we got to bed, which is pretty late for us, but definitely worth it! Sunday morning I sort of informed everybody we were going to go sledding, so we headed to the school for some sledding (more about the sledding in another post).

Highway 3 - completely covered and no travel advised the last 20 miles. I kept telling Aaron that the trees were really pretty with all the snow!

Aaron got some hunting glittens (my word for gloves/mittens).

Justin and Maddox sporting the hat we got him that says, "Daddy's Little Hunting Buddy"

Dad opening his much-needed gift from all of us - new dishes!

Brody opening gifts.

Jenna adores her cousin Maddox.